製品プラスチックの店頭回収・リサイクルの実証事業 BRING PLA-PLUSプロジェクト開催のお知らせ

日本環境設計株式会社(以下、当社 所在地:東京都千代田区霞が関 代表取締役社長 髙尾 正樹)は、環境省と連携して、生活用品等の製品プラスチックの効率的な回収・リサイクルを促進することを目的とした店頭回収によるリサイクル実証事業「BRING PLA-PLUSプロジェクト」(以下、本プロジェクト)を2016年12月12日(月)から2017年3月5日まで開催いたします。※1


【BRING PLA-PLUSプロジェクト開催概要】
2. 製品プラスチックを回収場所に持ち込む

日本環境設計リリース)BRING プラプラプロジェクト開催のお知らせ_20161212

JEPLAN (Tokyo, Chioda-ku, Kasumigaseki, President and director: Masaki Takao) will cooperate with the ministry of environment to implement our main project, the BRING PLA PLUS Project in order to make a further step to the future without waste. The project will start December 12th, 2016 and ends March 5th, 2017.※1

The campaign, which is taking place the 6th time is a good example for efficient collection and recycling. We are planning to increase the number of participating companies this time. Due to the increase of recycling material we are also planning to use special recycling technology which is much more efficient and appropriate for the kind of plastic material. In addition, we will cooperate with much more companies and organizations to optimize this process

【General information BRING PLA-PLUS Project】
・Date and duration: 2016/12/12~2017/3/5
     ※1 The implementation period will be different for each participating store
・Target products: Plastic products/goods such as toys which are no longer used
・How to participate:
1.Collect plastic items that are no longer used
2. Bring the products/materials to the collection points
(BRING collection points can be recognized by the bee character)
3.Put the plastic materials/items into the collection boxes

For further information, click on the link below:
(Only available in Japanese)
日本環境設計リリース)BRING プラプラプロジェクト開催のお知らせ_20161212
