

●実施期間 : 2016年7月6日(水)~2017年3月31日(金)
●回収する幼稚園 : 日本全国の43幼稚園(私立幼稚園経営者懇談会所属の幼稚園)を9のエリアに分けて、回収イベントがキャラバンします
●イベントの流れ : 1. ケータイを回収する幼稚園で回収用封筒を配布する
2. 自宅などで不要になったケータイを回収用封筒に入れる
3. 回収用封筒を幼稚園に持ち込み、設置しているケータイ回収箱に投入する
4. 金銀銅などの貴重な資源にリサイクルします
5. リサイクルした貴金属をつかって、メダルを作成します
6. できあがったメダルを参加いただいた43幼稚園に配布します
7. 今後も定期的に回収イベントを実施する予定です
●ご注意 : 今回のイベントは安全の確保のため、回収を実施する幼稚園の園児や保護者、関係者のみがご参加いただけます。


Currently, JEPLAN is collecting old mobile phones in 43 kindergartens around japan, to extract precious metals like gold, copper and aluminum. We are going to manufacture gold metals out of the collected gold. There will be some events at the kindergartens too, where we present the manufactured metals and simply explain the process of recycling. In addition, there will be various schools, nursery schools and other educational institutions, which will participate at this project. The aim is to convince more and more people to take part at the recycling culture/system, to realize a “Circular Economy” If you want to take part at an event, please click on the link below and fill out the form:

■Event information:
●Implementation period : Wednesday, July 6, 2016 ~ Friday, March 31, 2017
          ※The event dates will varify, so please check out the schedule.
●Kindergartens with collection points: 43 kindergartens around japan, we will gradually visit the collection points
●Steps of the project: 1. The distribution of collection envelopes at the different kindergartens
2. Put the old mobile phones into the envelope
3. Put the envelope into the collection boxes placed at the kindergartens
4. Precious metals will be recycled
5. These metals will be used to manufacture medals
6. The medals will be donated to the kindergartens who participated
7. In the future, we will carry out the collection events at a regular basis
(● Attention: To ensure safety, only the kindergartners, parents and stakeholders can participate in this event)

Further information can be found at this news release (Only available in Japanese):
Additional sheet:
Participation form:
